The Wagner Butte trail is a classic one in Southern Oregon. A steep climb with a very rewarding view of the valley from the top of Wagner Butte. This time though, rather than get to the Glade and climb left up to the Butte, we kept on straight, and around the back side of Wagner Butte until the trail turned very steep and we headed back. From here you could hike down into Ashland, but it's very steep and not all that inviting. At the right time of year, the blue lupine are overwhelmingly beautiful through the streams pouring down the side of the mountain.
Access: Head west out from the town of Talent on Wagner Creek Rd, and eventually it turns into Forest Rd 22. The parking area trailhead will be on your right after the paved road turns to gravel. The parking lot is notoriously bad with rocks and holes everywhere so be careful in here. The trail starts on the other side of the road and heads straight up from there.